Free Digital Trainings & Resources


My first stop for digital resources is always the IRIS center. This is a nationally-funded resource created by the incredible folks at Vanderbilt University. The digital trainings cover everything from IEP basics to highly advanced educational practices.

The Progress Center

The Progress Center is a brand-new nationally-funded center. Their mission is to bring practical and free resources straight into the hands of educators. Check their website often as they are constantly expanding their offerings.

UNDERSTOOD is my absolute favorite resource for information to give to new educators and families. They even have information for employers! Everything is written in an extremely accessible manner and the information is straightforward and to the point. Highly recommend this website for families that have a child newly diagnosed or as a starting place for information related to disability and school systems.


CAST is a great starting place to learn how to make lessons more accessible. I recommend starting your accessibility journey with learning about Universal Design for Learning (UDL). They also have several free trainings on using technology to make materials more accessible.

VCU Autism Center for Excellence

This center has a website dedicated to paraprofessional resources. With a focus on Autism, you’ll find trainings and resources related to behavior and academics. They have a great “how-to” video series, each only 5 minutes, on different practices to implement with students.

Washington Office of Public Instruction

This website has training courses specifically targeted and designed for paraprofessionals. Topics cover role and responsibilities, collaborative relationships, working with students learning English, and more.